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A New Beginning Starts

Changes are happening everyday. Let’s reinvent our beliefs that can guide us towards a life that we’ve always wanted. So today, we can have it because we deserve it and it’s our divine right.

We are the options to live in heaven or in hell; depending on the decisions we make. And we are every day invited to begin again, grasp new concepts to get better and live fully in the present moment.

Let’s celebrate life as beautiful as it is today!; letting the old to take its course without attachments. Let’s embrace the new with open arms to the changes and ready to learn more. Let’s enjoy the journey with confidence. Take appropriate actions that can make your life completely pleasant. Choose only activities and people to be surrounded that can support your bright present and enrich your life.

It’s important to keep in mind that we need to balance whites and blacks, good or bad in order to be balanced. If we look closely, at the end of the day, there is no such thing as polarities when we live integrated within the desires in our heart. The reality is that we are beings that can be whole expressions of peace and love.

Look around you and closely pay attention to the details that show you that all you need is already there and it's yours. You just need to ask and receive.

Today and everyday is a new beginning to walk with confidence and trust; embracing the beauty that is already yours.

That the light in me, recognizes the light in you,

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate private and group workshops. For more information about her work, please


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