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Free to Create your own Belief System

Everyone already came to life with a lot of information imprinted in us. That information varies from generic, cultural, and from family. These are systems that are taught to us and are all around us in thousands of ways.

We are always presented to huge new opportunities to choose and grasp different kinds of beliefs. First of all, these opportunities involve us on a personal level where all is created. But also is in deep connection with everything that is surrounding us. Every single decision we take will impact us in near and future ways.

The social systems might want to mandate rules and guidelines but we are responsible for following our true beliefs and conscious terms.

Let’s think of us growing up, observing all kinds of beliefs to follow. Some are close to us and others all around. Some systems might be impositive while others might be very volatile. But either one is already made by some or someone that had their own personal ideas. But do we have to follow them?

For example, in a vinyasa yoga practice class we will be connecting one pose after another for you to flow through them. Of course, some days might be more challenging than others because each day brings us different opportunities to resolve ourselves and experiment growth in different aspects; feeling and believing what we want to believe.

It doesn’t matter if one yoga pose is hard or easy, the class will continue and new challenges might be presented; or maybe not. We have the option to find clarity in your emotions and insights by connecting with ourselves and our breath in a complete presence.

The beliefs of seeing things hard or easy, strong or soft, right or wrong is just a matter of all the belief systems that we have been carrying all our lives to prove that we belong to someone or something. However, the truth is that each one of us has the power to create the best option of beliefs that we need.

Why not better make the decision to create a personal belief system that starts from you and your personal love. It can be gentle and loving. It could be fluid as the water and soft and flexible as a cloud in the sky.

In the moment that we implement our own beliefs we will need to just follow them trusting that the entire universe is supporting them for us.

Be free to create your own belief system as your base point to be happy. Today is your chance, use it well ;)

That the light in me, recognizes the light in you,

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate private and group workshops. For more information about her work, please


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