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Learning to Love Ourselves

“I'm totally willing to learn to love myself.”

Even if it looks easy, for many reasons we constantly move away from showing love to ourselves. We make many excuses like: I have to take care of my kids, or my parents, or I have so much work, or as soon as I finish this I will be able to look after my needs. The list can be so long and the time gets so stretched that we might just forget or leave it the side for “later”.

If you at one time paid attention to the flight attendants guidance, they say that in case of air pressure we need to put our masks first and then help minors or those in need. It’s obvious! You need to be able to breath first before helping others. From wherever you want to see it, we are our first necessity!

The first step towards self-love is that we must be willing to learn to love ourselves. We need to have daily consistent healthy routines, starting with meditation, body awareness in exercise, clean body, healthy and energizing foods, joyful activities, and good rest.

Then, we need to practice self - approval and self - acceptance, always in the present moment. These are the keys towards positive changes. To practice this, we should practice the repetition of positive affirmations in the morning, afternoon and before bed. We can follow on social media only people that are constantly bringing new positive information, read inspiring books, listen to joyful music, etc. By constant repetition the subconscious mind can be able store this new information easily to bring it out towards our conscious mind that is acting and reacting in our present moment.

Forgiveness is also an important way to love ourselves. I personally love this affirmation to release yourself from others and from old believes:

“I forgive you for not being like I would have wanted you to be, I forgive you and I release you”

Repeat, repeat and repeat, that is the golden key for a bright and joyful life.

Remember that loving ourselves starts by trusting and believing in us, never criticizing us for anything. And be clear in your heart, mind and body that everything is fine in your world. We are the creators of this amazing reality.

Get in-front of the mirror and repeat to yourself:

“I love you and I accept you as you are.

I'm totally willing to learn to love myself.”

You can write all this down on post sticks, so there’s no forgetting excuses or excuses at all. Love the incredible creation you are; creating a beautiful life experience.

The light in me, recognizes the light in you,

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate private and group workshops. For more information about her work, please visit:


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