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Let’s choose: Depression and Anxiety or a Marvelous Life

Everyday we face the challenge of making choices. Depression and anxiety is a topic that makes me think in all the things I’d personally had to overcome in order to be where I am now. It has been a path where I faced two big options to choose: to move thru the non-bright side seated waiting for something to change or to move to the bright side that included a lot of self work. So I chose the bright side where I am now. Because deep in my heart and even my head I knew that I was meant to see happiness, live joy and experience the best of life. This path needs consistent work, on every breath and situation.

Let me go a little bit deeper to explain. From my experience, I can say that it’s a place I had never thought I could be. It’s a place that for many moments, as I mention in my previous blog (All Starts with a Breath), I thought that was my normal me. But something inside told me that there should be something better out there. Unfortunately, I founded that the percentage of people facing this state of mind is more common than we think. Many wonder how come that normal and smiley person is sad or depressed?

I’m not a doctor, or a specialist in this topic, but I am speaking today from my heart and my experience. I want to share with you my methods and tips, all resulted from years of research (like books, articles and yoga), the ones I actually practice every day. I’d been there and it’s a harsh place to be. Those symptoms are not ok, they are not meant to be hidden. There are solutions and methods to overcome any kind of anxiety or depression. And yes is not easy! And yes I am still happily working on it everyday. I am so grateful that my life took me thru the side of self awareness. That is why I’m writing this today.

What to do? Let me share with you what helped me:

  • Walking every day (10min. or maybe more if you have more time)

  • Eating 1 or 2 apples a day (you know what they say “One apple a day keeps a doctor away)

  • 10-20 minutes of any kind of Cardio exercise (I have an elliptical, that was my thing, but there are many options)

  • Taking the sugar intake seriously

  • Eating as healthy as a possible (stay away of junk food)

  • Taking deep Breaths when you feel anxious and do it regularly (maybe you can have an alarm on your phone to remind you)

  • Finding to do something that you love (yoga, reading, hobbies) Personally, yoga it’s something I enjoy. I like the feeling of accomplishment that gives me every breath and stretch.

  • Meditating every day. Honestly, it’s something it took me some time to get consistent on, but is so worth it!. So, One or two meditations a day brings an amazing feeling, three a day beyond better, transitional meditations thru the day bring peace and love to your life. With every challenge faced, there is a choice to make. Maybe one day you can see how a simple task of closing eyes gets so easy and simple to do in between activities thru your day.

How to start a simple meditation?

To start, it’s nice to do 5 minutes a day (not big thing). Find a comfortable place to sit without distractions. Set up your alarm, close your eyes (if it's so hard to close eyes, you can stare at a candle light). Grab any arising thoughts on a bubble and put them next to you or out of the door to wait for you while meditating. And enjoy those couple of minutes of emptiness in your mind :) Once you are done, open your eyes and admire any changes you can see in yourself. Then, you can grab your thoughts back. And you will see how these 5 minutes can make a difference in yourself and in your day. Later on, you can increase progressively the length of time.

Everyday is a practice

I start my day with positive thoughts (gratitude ones), a pray, and a meditation. I visualize my day as beautiful as I want it to be. One day at a time! I visualize all of my activities (kids, breakfast, driving, work….things to do) The first choice will be to allow ourselves to listen any arising thoughts (with worries, fears, doubts, emotions) or visualize a marvelous day in our life as directors of our lives, where we direct every scene. We can chose to participate on dramas, terror, or comedy, romance… In my case, I chose to be me, nobody else.

But wait! what happens when something changes on my plan … So, I stop to chose (it’s our decision). I look where should I go (my options)… We can choose to go to the not-bright side (and get emotional, and probably see the worst) or we might choose the bright side (the option of not participate in what we don't like and move forward in what we love) One step at a time.

I also practice the repetition of positive ideas (I write them on post-its or on notes in my phone) saying things like I love who I am, I am proud of who I am, I am important, I am cherish, I am a whole.

And if fears or doubts arise, I stop to watch them and visualize a light from my heart involving them in a light and you will see them disappear.

I am still there, and I am working everyday on it. But, I’m so happy and proud of my work. I practice to find joy in everything life brings. I can not tell you how much I am learning and I had learned.

Probably you are there, and that’s why you are reading this article. There is alway a reason, a good reason.

There is a lot of information out there. I invite you to take what helps you to feel good. I hope my words help you to find your own methods. And I encourage you to find your serf love. Practice every day, every night to tell yourself how beautiful, how wonderful, how strong, incredible, and flexible you are. Be grateful for everything that you have. How lucky you are to breath, to be surrounded by life, nature, animals, beautiful people, friends, to have a roof and food, and much more.

Live this life as marvelous and splendid as you want it to be. It’s your decision, just remember that the universe is always listening, wish hard, and be sure it's listening to you to make your wishes come true. Live yoga as part of your lifestyle.

From my heart to yours.

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in a different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate privates and group workshops. For more information about her work, please visit:


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