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Pause and Enjoy

Each moment of our lives carries amazing opportunities to create the life of our dreams. And even for some this might look challenging or weird to believe it, if we practice living and acting with the idea of “one thing at a time”, we can be able to accomplish anything we want.

The idea to live in the present needs us to say yes to happiness and move forward without hesitation. It also means to be flexible to the outcomes; thinking about them as the results of what we have been creating in our lives. There is no need to force or stop the challenges. If we only flow with the moment, we can be able to even enjoy the unenjoyable. Then, we’ll see that everything it’s ok. That there was no need to stress out. We just need to take a pause.

No matter where we are in our lives, the only important thing is to move trusting that everything is enriching our loves. And if we really want things to change in our journeys... well... start making changes in us. For example, we can start letting go the uncomfortable feelings within, observe in peace new perspectives, and take steps towards an honest transformation.

With kindness and unconditional love to ourselves, let’s begin to take care of us, do only what makes us happy, and trust our capabilities to enjoy.

With one thing after the other, our actions will start constructing our peace and joy. Then, we’ll see our results evolving in a graceful and lovely way.

It’s just a matter of practice to pause and enjoy!

That the light in me, recognizes the light in you,

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate private and group workshops. For more information about her work, please


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