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The Art of Letting Go

When grieving, we go through different stages in between sadness, resistance, denial, sense of calmness, peace and many more. It takes time, patience and will to welcome the feeling of relief. Whenever we’re ready to release, the beauty of truth and awareness of the present moment will be clear and more visible to us.

Letting go is an art. When we’re ready and open, we could receive all such kinds of ideas and information, and our job and responsibility is to let it flow. From this moment that we’re reading this article, the past is gone. There is nothing to do in the past anymore and there is no possibility to go back there again. We just have to accept that the only time available is the present.

The fun part is that we can make art anytime and anywhere. First of all, we can start by getting a pencil and trace the limits with everything or anyone that is outside of us. Our life is personal. Then, we can trace the lines for everything that is not serving us, so it can leave and let us free. Let’s imagine this pencil as the way to express all our deep pains and sufferings that we don’t need more. Draw the shadows of all the doubts that had never done any good to us. And let those shadows disperse around the paper and away from the paper.

We can be creative in the art of letting go. Find that creativity in you that can set yourself free from attachments of any kind. Put that pencil down and accept that all in the past is over. Is not part of your present. We’re not small anymore, we can outgrow the pain, the suffering, and the mind. Take the opportunity to get detached from it.

Take a moment to accept all those emotions and feelings that your pencil has to show you.

Recognize the roots of those emotions. And when ready set them on fire to physically see them go. Release any leftovers in your mind or body so you can enjoy the pure colors of life shining in front of you right now, right here.

And now the best part, grab color pencils and start drawing your present. Color your life just the way you had always imagined. Let your heart demonstrate how creative it can be. And have fun in the creative process. We deserve a colorful and creative life, accompanied by love. Give yourself permission to expand the joy that resides within your heart to live happy all the time. Live artistically and creatively manifesting a wonderful life.

That the light in me, recognizes the light in you,

Namaste - Cecilia de la Rocha


Cecilia de la Rocha is founder of Yoga By Cecilia de la Rocha, a creative and enthusiastic yoga instructor with professional training in hatha & anusara yoga. Always willing to share more with people in different, loving & fun ways. Her teaching is an innovative fusion of yoga, metaphysics, mindfulness and shadow work that has taught many families, from moms to be, to kids, to adults of all ages and limitations, and to celebrities who want to incorporate yoga as part of their lifestyle. She loves to facilitate private and group workshops. For more information about her work, please


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